Psalm 29:2 – True Worship and Beauty

WORSHIP: Worship isn’t just singing a tune in the car or an emotional experience during a church service. Rather, it’s a heart of adoration, devotion, and obedience. It’s the intentional and willing surrender of your heart and mind to a particular person or object. One might even say the one you worship is properly your obsession.

BEAUTY: Beauty is truly more than skin deep, especially when it comes to the Lord. His beauty is so much more that what He looks like. Too often in our generation beauty is associated with the visual: a sunset or famous model, but beauty has levels and layers far beyond the outward appearance. Jesus’ truth and mercy, His grace and justice; all of His non-visual attributes all come together to radiate His true beauty. Beholding His glory will truly be an eternally beautiful reality that will far outweigh anything we can merely see with our eyes! His beauty will penetrate our understanding, bringing to light the depth of Psalm 29:2.

“Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” Psalm 29:2

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