Why Did Jesus Come?

Why did Jesus ultimately choose to be born, crucified, and three days later rise from the dead? Not to sound heretical, but ultimately Jesus did not come to merely die for our sins. I believe God’s Word points to a much grander plan.Too often a prisoner who has spent many years in prison, once released, has…

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Tools For Evangelizing

When it comes to evangelizing, anyone that has done it even a few times will tell you every situation is different.  If they’re honest, they’ll also tell you that its easy to get caught up in the flesh. This is true not only for a heated debate with an antagonist but also with an emotional…

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Growing and Going Video: Star Wars In Light of God’s Word

With the new Star Wars movie being released, we wanted to share our article and video on the topic.  Praying it is still a resource that encourages the church and glorifies the Lord! “Below is our latest video which is based on an article Flynn wrote a while back on the film “Star Wars”.  We…

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Growing & Going Q&A: Can You Lose Your Salvation?

Question – Can someone practicing sin lose their salvation?  There are Godly Christians on both sides of this debate, however, in order to come to a biblical conclusion, we first must start with the understanding that both sides cannot be true. We must also turn our attention away from men and onto to God and…

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What Does the Bible Say About “YOLO”?

The world subscribes to the philosophy that self-fulfillment, instant gratification, and pride in one’s self are not only permissible desires, but are, in fact, ones we should actively pursue. If you spend any amount of time around a teenager on Instagram, Twitter, or the like, you are no doubt familiar with “YOLO”, the contemporary rendition…

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New Growing & Going Video: All Scripture is Profittable

Please be in prayer for this video to encourage the church and be a resource for God’s glory! We all need to be available to examine our hearts and the words we say by the only true authority, God’s Word. Unfortunately, just as satan in times past, many are trying to remove or manipulate the…

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Line-Dancing: Careful, it Gets Blurry…

Observing the state of the modern church is no difficult task. With the church unabashedly looking to (and adopting) the image and likeness of the world, and the world sometimes quite convincingly imitating the church in hopes of proving their own righteousness, the lines can become indiscernibly blurred as to which side is which.  It’s…

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Walk Worthy by John Wesley

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye…

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