Growing and Going Video: Star Wars In Light of God’s Word

With the new Star Wars movie being released, we wanted to share our article and video on the topic.  Praying it is still a resource that encourages the church and glorifies the Lord! “Below is our latest video which is based on an article Flynn wrote a while back on the film “Star Wars”.  We…

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Encouraging Imagination or Fostering Deceit?

Proverbs 14:25 – “A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies.” God’s Word has a lot to say about lies; not the least of which is how He deals with them and where those who spread them are destined to spend eternity (Revelation 21:8).  I don’t believe it’s necessary to delve into why God is so harsh in…

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What Does the Bible Say About “YOLO”?

The world subscribes to the philosophy that self-fulfillment, instant gratification, and pride in one’s self are not only permissible desires, but are, in fact, ones we should actively pursue. If you spend any amount of time around a teenager on Instagram, Twitter, or the like, you are no doubt familiar with “YOLO”, the contemporary rendition…

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Matt Maher: Musical Mouthpiece and Missionary

When considering wolves in sheep’s clothing, we might envision some slick-haired salesman lugging his box of snake oil from house to house. Yet too often nothing could be further from the truth. There are many warnings from Scripture admonishing the saints to pay careful attention as we traverse through this planet’s deadly terrain. We are instructed not…

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Beneath The Shack- Carefully Considering the Author

Plenty has recently been said about The Shack, however for those still desirous of defending its message and meaning, please carefully and biblically consider what the author actually believes about the Bible, humanity, repentance, and God’s forgiveness found in Jesus Christ alone. A Reminder- As Christians, we must never be ignorant of deception and its…

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​It’s the Most Nostalgic Time of the Year

It’s often said and sung that this is the most wonderful time of the year, but why? Is it because, as a nation, so many rejoice in the True and Living God’s provision and protection over the last four hundred years? Is it because so many have turned from their pride and gratefully embraced the…

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Line-Dancing: Careful, it Gets Blurry…

Observing the state of the modern church is no difficult task. With the church unabashedly looking to (and adopting) the image and likeness of the world, and the world sometimes quite convincingly imitating the church in hopes of proving their own righteousness, the lines can become indiscernibly blurred as to which side is which.  It’s…

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Pokémon Go- Where is it Taking You?

The new Pokémon app- Pokémon Go has truly captured the hearts and minds of millions across the globe. Launched in the US on July 6, 2016, the Pokémon Go app has quickly become a full-fledged phenomenon. In case you’re not familiar with Pokémon Go, you can click “HERE” to read Wikipedia’s explanation. Some news websites claim it is currently the…

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